Dogs and Cats together in the family house

Bringing dogs and cats together in the same household can be a challenge, but it is possible for them to coexist peacefully with the right training, socialization, and care. Here are some tips for introducing dogs and cats and helping them get along:

Introduce them slowly and carefully: When introducing a dog and a cat, it is important to do so gradually and under close supervision. Start by letting them sniff each other through a closed door, and then gradually allow them to interact under close supervision. Do not leave them alone together until they have become comfortable with each other.

Create separate spaces: It is important to give both dogs and cats their own separate spaces in the house, where they can retreat to if they feel threatened or uncomfortable. This can include separate sleeping areas, feeding areas, and play areas.

Provide plenty of resources: Make sure that both dogs and cats have access to their own food, water, toys, and litter boxes. It is important to provide enough resources so that they do not have to compete with each other.

Train your dog: If you have a dog, it is important to train them to be calm and gentle around cats. Reward them for calm behavior around the cat, and use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior.

Socialize your cat: If you have a cat, it is important to socialize them to dogs. Expose them to dogs in a controlled environment and reward them for calm behavior.

Consider the breed and personality: When pairing dogs and cats, it is important to consider their breed and personality. Some breeds of dogs may be more prone to chasing or hunting cats, while others may be more gentle and calm.

Consider the number of pets: The number of cats and dogs that can be successfully paired together will depend on the individual animals and their personalities. In general, it is best to start with just one cat or dog, and then gradually add more if everyone is getting along.

Feed them separately: It is important to feed dogs and cats separately, as they have different nutritional needs. Dogs and cats also have different feeding behaviors, with cats preferring to eat small meals throughout the day and dogs preferring larger meals.

Consider their diets: Whether to feed raw or processed food is a personal choice, but it is important to provide a balanced diet for both dogs and cats. Cats are obligate carnivores and require a diet high in animal protein, while dogs are omnivores and can eat a more varied diet.

Potty training: Potty training for cats and dogs is different, so it is important to provide separate litter boxes for cats and to train dogs to go outside.

Sleeping arrangements: While some dogs and cats may be able to share a bed, it is important to provide separate sleeping areas in case they do not get along.

In summary, introducing dogs and cats requires careful planning and patience. It is important to provide separate spaces and resources for both pets, as well as to train and socialize them appropriately. With the right approach, dogs and cats can coexist peacefully and become loving companions

Cats and Dogs: A Tale of Two Pets

Cats and dogs have long been popular choices for pets, each with their own unique characteristics and charms. While they both make wonderful companions, they also have distinct differences that make them appealing to different people. Let’s take a closer look at these two beloved pets and what makes them so special. There is something for everyone and it is the uniqueness that gives us the more delightfulness.


First, let us talk about dogs. Dogs are known for their loyalty and devotion to their owners. Because of their close ties to people, they are frequently described to as “man’s best friend”. Dogs are very gregarious pets that thrive on companionship and interaction. They are known for their playful nature and boundless energy, making them great companions for active individuals or families.


One of the key differences between cats and dogs is their level of independence. While dogs are social animals that crave attention and companionship, cats are more independent and can be content spending time alone. Cats are known for their curious and inquisitive nature. They are excellent hunters and are often seen prowling around their territory, keeping an eye out for any potential prey.


Another key difference between cats and dogs is their grooming habits. Cats are known for their meticulous grooming routine, spending a significant amount of time each day grooming themselves. Dogs, on the other hand, may require more frequent grooming, depending on their breed and coat type. Some dogs may also require regular trips to the groomer for haircuts and nail trims.


When it comes to training, dogs are often seen as more trainable than cats. Dogs are highly intelligent animals that can learn a wide range of commands and tricks. They are often used as service animals for this reason, helping individuals with disabilities lead more independent lives. Cats, on the other hand, are more independent and may be less receptive to training. However, with patience and consistency, cats can also learn basic commands and behaviors.


Despite their differences, both cats and dogs offer unconditional love and companionship to their owners. They can provide comfort and support during difficult times and are always there to greet you with a wagging tail or a contented purr. Whether you’re a cat person or a dog person, there’s no denying the special bond that can form between humans and their furry companions.


In conclusion, cats and dogs are both wonderful pets that bring joy and companionship to millions of people around the world. Whether you prefer the playful and energetic nature of dogs or the independent and curious nature of cats, there’s no denying the special place that these two pets hold in our hearts and it is never easy to separate the two of them or to differentiate. So, whether you’re a cat person, a dog person, or a lover of all animals, be sure to give your furry friend an extra pat on the head today and let them know how much they mean to you.

Toy dog breeds are more suitable for people living in apartment

When it comes to choosing a dog for apartment living, toy breeds can be an excellent choice. These small dogs are typically more adaptable to living in small spaces than larger breeds, and they often require less exercise and space to thrive. However, it is important to understand the specific needs of toy breeds and to take steps to ensure that they are happy and healthy in their apartment homes.

One of the main advantages of toy breeds for apartment living is their size. These small dogs are well-suited to living in small apartments, as they do not require as much space as larger breeds. They are also easier to transport, making them ideal for city dwellers who may rely on public transportation. Additionally, toy breeds tend to be less destructive than larger breeds, as they do not have the same strength and energy to destroy furniture or other belongings.

However, it is important to remember that toy breeds still require exercise and mental stimulation, even if they do not need as much space to run and play as larger dogs. Regular walks, games of fetch, and other forms of exercise are important for maintaining a healthy weight and preventing behavioral issues such as barking or destructive behavior. In addition to physical exercise, mental stimulation such as puzzle toys or training sessions can help keep toy breeds mentally stimulated and engaged.

When living in an apartment, it is important to make sure that the dog has a comfortable and safe living space. This may include providing a comfortable bed, access to fresh water, and appropriate toys and chews to keep the dog entertained. It is also important to make sure that the apartment is safe for the dog, with no hazards such as electrical cords or toxic plants.

One potential challenge of living in an apartment with a toy breed is the issue of house training. Small dogs may be more prone to accidents, and it can be more difficult to train them to use the bathroom outside when living in a high-rise building. It is important to establish a regular routine for bathroom breaks, and to be patient and consistent with training.

Another important consideration when living in an apartment with a toy breed is socialization. These small dogs may be more prone to anxiety or fearfulness around strangers or other dogs, so it is important to socialize them from a young age. This may include introducing them to new people and animals, taking them to puppy classes, and exposing them to new experiences and environments.

When it comes to the specific needs of toy breeds, it is important to remember that they may be more prone to health issues than larger breeds. For example, they may be more prone to dental problems, so regular dental cleanings and at-home dental care are important. They may also be more at risk of obesity, so owners should be aware and provide appropriate exercise and nutrition.

In order to keep toy breeds healthy and happy in their apartment homes, it is important to provide them with appropriate care and attention. This may include regular veterinary care, appropriate exercise and mental stimulation, and a safe and comfortable living environment. By understanding the specific needs of toy breeds and taking steps to address these needs, owners can enjoy the many benefits of small dog ownership while living in an apartment.

Alsatian and German Shepherd

Alsatian and German Shepherd are two terms that are frequently utilized conversely to portray a similar type of canine. In any case, there are a few unobtrusive contrasts between the two terms and the varieties they address.

The German Shepherd is a type of canine that started in Germany in the late nineteenth 100 years. They were initially bred as crowding canines, yet have since been utilized for various purposes including police work, search and salvage, and as family pets. German Shepherds are known for their knowledge, devotion, and teachability. They are a medium to huge measured breed, normally gauging between 50-90 pounds and standing 22-26 inches tall at the shoulder.

The term Alsatian, then again, is utilized basically in the United Kingdom and portions of Europe to portray a similar type of canine as the German Shepherd. The term began during The World War I, when the variety was briefly renamed to remove it from its German starting points. Be that as it may, the name Alsatian has since dropped out of purpose in many regions of the world and the variety is presently all around known as the German Shepherd.

As far as actual appearance, German Shepherds are commonly dark and tan, yet can likewise be sable, all dark, or white. They have a thick coat that requires routine grooming and have erect ears and a shaggy tail. Alsatians have similar outward presentation as German Shepherds, however might be less predictable in variety and coat type because of the way that the term isn’t formally acknowledged.

With regards to disposition and family fit, both German Shepherds and Alsatians are known for their steadfastness and fondness towards their proprietors. They are commonly extremely friendly canines and do well with a lot of collaboration and consideration from their proprietors. In any case, because of their size and energy level, they may not be the best fit for families with small kids or restricted space.

As far as reason or errand best fits, both German Shepherds and Alsatians are exceptionally flexible and can be prepared for different undertakings. They are every now and again utilized as police or military canines, as they are exceptionally smart and teachable, with a great sense of smell and hearing. German Shepherds and Alsatians are additionally generally utilized as search and salvage canines because of their excellent following skills.

Notwithstanding their functioning skills, German Shepherds and Alsatians additionally make superb family pets. They are steadfast and defensive, and make extraordinary allies for proprietors who will put investment into preparing and mingling them. Nonetheless, it is essential to recollect that the two varieties are exceptionally dynamic and require a lot of activity and mental feeling to forestall disastrous way of behaving.

Consequently the terms Alsatian and German Shepherd both allude to a similar type of canine, which started in Germany in the late nineteenth hundred years. They are exceptionally shrewd, faithful, and flexible canines, fit for being prepared for various undertakings including police work, search and salvage, and as family pets. While they are for the most part friendly and loving canines, they may not be the best fit for all families because of their size and energy level. Proprietors must put investment into preparing and mingling their German Shepherd or Alsatian to guarantee they are respectful and well balanced individuals from the family.

Get To Know Signs Of Animal Abuse

The  number of animal abuse are increasing from year to year. There are more than 100 million cases happening every year. To guard and protect all pets, it means quite a bit to recognize and report animal brutality in the eventuality that you suspect there are mistreatment occurred.

Cruelty and abuse can run the range from intentionally, act of behaving unsafe toward animals,  denying animals of food, water, safe housing, socialization or veterinary consideration to perniciously tormenting, exploiting them for money related gains, mangling or killing it.

For instance, there are animals that are manhandled such as pigs, mice, hares, birds, rodents, canines, felines, monkeys, and numerous others more that are wind up dead during tests in research facilities all throughout the world, for the purpose of testing medication, food, and beauty care products etc.

There is an extravagant market for those pets that are exotic. Though most of them are eliminated from their own living place, some are capture by illegal hunters and secretly bred and sold in high price.

Some animals may undergo severe stress from shock or being brought out from their own familiar environment, and most of them passed away from this.

For certain animals that are rear for the purpose of consumption such as farm chickens, they have been genetically modify so that these chickens will be fatter with more meat but at the same time, they might suffer from walking difficulty. This is also to prevent the chicken from ‘exercising’ too much.

In addition to this, some of the farms will have large numbers of animals that are stuff in extreme tight and unsanitary space, with most of them are stepping onto each other and with tiny window or hole only for breathing or feeding.

Not only that, there are signs of animal abuse that we can identify in order to promptly report to the police or to any animal welfare organization.

First, dogs, cocks, or any kind of animal fighting that are being involved by any person in any situation or area. Animal battling has become predominant in some area in Asia and it is a wellspring of diversion for certain individuals especially within the rural area. Besides, the second sign can be seen as abuse when a group of animals are placed, hold captive or restrain to an area, without sufficient water or food or is surrounded by defecation, trash, dangerous or hazardous items that may cause fire or harm them.

Third, is when animal is left alone in vehicle, under a very hot temperature condition, for a long time. This may cause animal distress, dehydration or even fainted or worse, death. However, some of the country have legalize that a person can lawfully smash window glasses and break into vehicle to save the animals that are at risk or in life threatening condition.

Next abuses are such as animal showing symptoms of malnutrition, being abnormally thin, having injuries, bruises, broken bones, infestation from fleas, ticks or any disease and that the animals not given treatment for the above condition.

All creatures on Earth deserve the privilege to live joyfully with next to no apprehension and agony, however certain individuals have to take a hard pass. These animals likewise feel tormented and cry as people do, yet can’t communicate their misery. It is our principal task to turn into the voice of these animals that are unable to support themselves. Therefore, every individual must ensure that these dearest pets and animals are able to live in a safe and conducive condition.

Do You Know What Your Cat Consume

All cats are active hunters, and not passive. They will hunt different types of prey depending on the size and environment in which they are housed. The diet of these feral cats varies depending on the types of animals that share its vast territory. But its main prey is on rats and birds of various kinds. Larger feral cat species such as lions and tigers will hunt larger herbivores. Tigers usually chase large herbivores, such as deer and sometimes cattle.


Cats are opportunists, and they will tend to eat anything that can be caught, which may range from small insects to turtle types. Fish also form an important part of the diet of some species. But domestic cats will always be happy to eat the food provided. However, there are also fussy cats, and if their diets suddenly changes, they may face starvation even though the alternative foods they are given are of no difference in it source of nutriance. Similarly, if the food given is stale, it may be ignored by the cat.


All cats rely primarily on their sense of smell to determine whether to eat a particular food or not. They will sniff it carefully before deciding whether to taste it. In the case of a cat that has had a respiratory illness, persuading it to eat normally often proves to be very difficult, simply because its sense of smell may be affected.


While many owners now use prepared food or canned cat food for their pets, some still prefer to prepare fresh food. These need to be cooked and left to cool before being given to cats. Lungs, liver, and other types of organ meats are often used as cat food, but in the long run, these foods are deficient in nutrition.


Wild cats eat it whole, all of their prey, but domestic cats fed on organ meat will not have access to the skeleton, which contains most of the body’s calcium reserves. As a result, cats will experience skeletal weakness. This is especially true in the case of kittens, which are fast growing. It’s not just deficiencies that can be harmful. Even too many liver organs in a cat’s diet will lead to an excessive diet of vitamin A. This condition will cause an odd or abnormal cat skeleton. This can cause bone fusion in the cat’s painful shoulder.


Even fresh food can be used occasionally, especially to tempt a sick cat’s appetite. Don’t forget the importance of mixing these foods with appropriate vitamin and mineral supplements, after consulting your veterinarian. Especially if you intend to use this type of diet for your cat for a set period of time.


While there is a common myth that feeding raw meat to domestic cats can evoke aggressive habits, this is not true. But there are possible risks especially with the high number of animals processed in modern meat packing plants. Such foods can be contaminated by a variety of potentially harmful bacteria, such as Salmonella. It is also possible that your cat will get sick as a result, or may acquire parasites. Therefore cooking all meats is highly recommended in any situation as a safety measure.


The risk of such infections is much lower in the wild. This is simply due to the fact that the cat hunts and kills individual animals and eats them almost all at once. Thus, eliminating the risk of cross -infection at this time.


The sad fact for a domestic cat is the possibility of it catching a bird or a rat. The hunting instincts of domestic cats remain strong, but they can have trouble killing their prey. Cats will carry or drag their catch a long distances from where they are caught. This is an instinctive attempt to stop other predators from taking it.

Seven Common Mistakes Made By Rabbits’ Owners

Rabbits are very different from other pets. For people who are buying this cutie for the first time, although we feel very satisfied to buy those favorite foods and toys for our rabbits, usually we will not read the descriptions or contents of these things and will buy anything with pictures of rabbits attached to it. Just because the above description shows a picture of the rabbit does not mean that this thing is good for your rabbit. However items such as rabbit droppings disposal box or toys can still be bought and also foregoing the description.


The second common mistake people who keep rabbits will make is to buy a small cage and again these are often sold at pet stores, and sometimes misunderstanding.  This is probably one of the notions where we will see a picture of a rabbit on a box with some weird slogans like “dream life”. If the cage is for a baby rabbit, it will grow to double its size in two months and you may not need the cage anymore and will have to throw it away. Just like cats, rabbits need a spacious and comfortable place where at least in a large space like a training enclosure. The price for the enclosure will be cheaper than the price of a big cage.


If buying a cage is one of your options, then the size and measurement of the cage is very important so that we do not make mistakes when buying. For example, the size of 24 inch x 36 inch is more suitable for rabbits that weigh less than 8lb or 32 inch x 40 inch for larger rabbits. With the freedom to move freely in its nest in a large and comfortable space, your rabbit can also be very easily trained to use the toilet.


Next up the forth mistake is dry grass consumption. Dry grass is the most important part of a rabbit’s diet. Therefore, avoid giving your rabbit small amount of dry grass for consumption such as 9inch x 6inch x 2inch. Although a small hay consumption seems to match a cute rabbit, the quantity will not be enough for the rabbit’s daily dose. Barriers on hay eating that are not wide enough will make it difficult for your rabbit to pick up hay.


Furthermore, there is a belief where just giving our rabbits to eat carrots is enough for the rabbit’s daily diet. For the rabbits, carrots are just like candy to them. Carrots should only be given in small amounts as a food that is rarely eaten. Eating too much and you will find your rabbit sick or dead if this continues. Therefore, the most nutritious intake for rabbits is vegetables and the most important diet for rabbits is hay, grass, leafy vegetables and a small number of measured pellets.


The sixth mistake is getting the wrong pellet or pellets. Often times you will see pellets sold that are over-processed where it comes with additives like nuts and fruits. All of these are foods that rabbits do not need. Pellets are actually not a food requirement and they are merely a side dish or supplement only. But if you want to provide pellets for your rabbit, use a brand you can consider where the brand has at least 18% fiber in the content. Excessive pellet intake will also cause obesity and can lead to a variety of serious health problems. For example, one quarter cup once a day is enough for a rabbit weighing 5lb.


The last mistake is to lick rock salt. About this popular tradition and belief, still nothing is known about its origins. Giving your rabbit a lick of rock salt is like giving your rabbit a bottle of salt. Are we going to eat rock salt for fun? No. So why with our rabbits? This action is very unhealthy for your cute ones because your rabbit is already getting all the vitamins and minerals it needs adequately from their vegetables and hay. In conclusion, your rabbit should not lick salt, vitamins or use hardwood objects to grind their teeth. Rabbit teeth will always be in the correct length produced by the silicates and lignin present in the grass or hay content.

Pets and its Popularity.

Pets and its Popularity.
Over centuries, man has been fascinated by animals in the wild, birds of the sky, fishes of the seas and rivers, amphibians that some makes your blood curdle if you are not that kind and so on. Some people are attracted by its beauty, charm, elegance, grace, cuteness, loyalty, faithfulness, curdliness and what other traits you can think of. And is anyone’s guess. Among the popular ones are, dogs, cats, fish, ferrets, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, turtle, snakes, poultry and other livestock.
Dogs and cats are among the most popular ones and after all they are domesticated since the beginning of civilization of man. Somehow humans and these animals has a unique bond of closeness that has no defined explanation or which man cannot decode. It has been reported that more than half of the American households either have a cat or a dog. Pet cats exceeded pet dog population in the United States. With a pet cat population of more than 81 million and pet dog population at 78 million.
There has been documented increase in the ownership of pets over the last several decades. With the increasing urban nature of society, people has been slowly departed from the farm animals. And this has rouse their action to have their own pets as companions.
Since more and more people are living away from their family or living alone, they come to appreciate the company of a cat or a dog. This is true when they come home every day after a tiring day at work and find it refreshing to have your pet snuggling up to you or even accompanying you on the couch watching TV or doing some other thing. For some people they feel the security with the presence of a dog even how small the dog may be, as the pet will sense any intruders and start barking, making noise to alert the owner especially those who stay alone.
The advantage of owning a cat or a dog over other pets is that they are easy to train. They can be taught to relief themselves at a certain place or area delegated to the pets. Living together with humans have expectations. Usually they would not want to have a pet that will mess up the whole house. That is why not every pet is suited to every person. Some people are more fussy with tidiness and hygiene while others are more adaptable and easy going regardless their pets sentiments.
Dogs and cats are more interactive in communication and that is the attractiveness in them. People usually would prefer pets that can react to their conversation and would talk to them affectionately. It seems that centuries of domestication and living with human, cats and dogs seem to understand their owners’ feelings and emotions. They sort of empathize with their owners and gives them the feeling of warm and positive respond.
Owning a cat or a dog is something to think of. It has been reckon that to own a normal size dog, its cost over the lifespan of the pet is about $13,000. And for a cat it is almost the same running at about $12,000. This is the usual normal running cost that is expected of the owner.

Why Cats Love Boxes So Much

Cats and boxes, the most suitable things like peanut butter and jelly. Like many strange things your cat has ever done, scientists also cannot completely solve the mystery of cats with box codes, but experts have found that there are certain advantages and reasons that boxes can give to cats. Because cats are predators who like to ambush, boxes provide a good hiding place for them to hunt prey. We do not often see cats exhibiting this behavior outside the home, but they still mimic this behavior indoors. Obviously something else is going on between the cat and the box.


A cat that ‘if I can fit, that’s where I’ll sit’. You have to know that cats are used to choosing an odd place to rest, some will wrap like a ball in the sink, some like to sleep by the shoes, bring a small chair and other space that looks small or confined. Sounds odd doesn’t it?


Curious why is that so? When we introduce these empty boxes to our cats, they will begin to investigate the objects carefully. They are already familiar with every square inch of their area, so when something new comes in, they are clearly very curious. When the curiosity is gone, the natural behavior continues to cause this cute ones to jump in to play inside.


Some even explain that the box that cats like to enter mimics the comfort or body temperature that the kitten mother gives to the kitten when the kitten is snugging its mother. In addition, while sitting in a box, there is also an explanation that the cat’s body will release endorphins which allows the effect of reducing stress for the cat. Put a blanket in a box about the right size for your cat and it will probably be one of his favorite places to sleep. Confined spaces always provide a sense of security, and boxes help them keep their body warm.


Is box only for domesticated cats? When asked, “Why do cats like boxes?” You may also be wondering, “Do their big cousins ​​like the tigers also like boxes?” Domestic cats are not the only ones who enjoy the box. Big cats are also his fans. The only difference is the bigger the cat, the bigger the box! Laugh when people tells you that this is real truth.


The type of box you should and should not give to your cat. One of the things to consider when contemplating, “Why do cats love boxes?” is the type of box you sholud provide for your cat. Setting up a box is a great way to create a better environment. A small box that can be placed on a toy tree is the most popular box for some cats while some cats prefer box which is used as a hiding place close to the floor. Try out with your cat which one it likes best. Sooner or later you will get the right one for your pet cat.


If you are using a recycling box for your cat, make sure the box is safe to use. Safety precaution you should keep in mind is to inspect all hazardous parts of the box such as staples, handles, tape and so on. It should not result in any way which may suffocate or may be fatal if swallowed. Do not cover your cat in a box and leave it inside. Cats do not like to feel trapped and that is the feelings that your cat is not looking forward to.


The power of the box is already very clear. Cats provided with a box to hide and holed up are said to recover faster in their new environment than cats without a box to shield. In short, the hiding box is one of the most important things in a cat’s life. It is like a sanctuary.

Know Your Cat’s Behavior

Cats are often considered less intelligent than dogs, probably because they do not respond to training and the command such as “sit” and will rarely do tricks. It is questionable whether extraordinary action performance is necessarily equal to high intelligence tendencies. Or maybe the cat is better at channeling its brain power into different behaviors, such as living techniques and adapting to environmental changes. And is it possible that cats are considered smarter than dogs to the question of reasoning behind its maneuvering, or obeying orders?


Young cats begin to show predatory behavior at the age of six weeks. In the wild, mother cats will carry prey to kittens. In domestic conditions, a mother cat carries small pieces of meat to the kitten box, making a special encouraging sound to attract the attention of her kitten. Mother cats often pat the meat, teaching kittens to pounce on it. In their developmental stages, kittens begin to practice hunting, bowing, robbing, and making derogatory attacks on their mates. The mother cat waved its tail, teasing her children to pounce and catch it.


Adult cats prefer to hunt on their own within their own area. Some cats roam the distance from home to visit their favorite hunting areas, and, sometimes, cats from the same family learn to hunt collaboratively. Acute vision and excellent vision in low light allow cats to be effective as well as stealth hunters. Cats often lie in ambush, infinite patience for their prey to emerge from their shelter. The cat attack projection is in a curved jump, grips an elongated claw, and kills with a deadly bite on the creature’s neck. Hungry cats will kill their prey relatively quickly, while well-fed cats, strongly stimulated by the passion for chasing and catching, often play with prey for some time before finally killing the prey.


Playing with prey provides cats with the opportunity to practice their trapping techniques. Although for centuries cats have been domesticated, most cats will hunt if given the chance. If you keep your pet cats entirely indoors, you should compensate for the loss of their hunting opportunities by providing plenty of toys, and encourage them to play catch, hit and catch games. Such stimulation and exercise keep them healthy, prevent them from becoming overweight, and can help to ensure their survival if they get lost.


Throughout the life of the cat, its behavior is controlled by natural patterns inherited from its wild ancestors. We will always see our beloved cats play hunting with toys and other cats. They play the action of killing the victim and usually among the kittens themselves. Cats are very curious creatures. They will explore and play with anything that moves. So don’t forget to give them lots of toys if you have pet cats.


Would you believe me if I tell you that the cat’s waking period is very short. Even felines rest such a great amount of time that when a feline is 9 years of age, it has just been wakeful for only 3 years of its life. One-third of the cat’s wake time is usually used for self-cleaning. Cats will sleep for 16 hours a day. So don’t be alarmed when you see your cat sleeping most of the time.