Puppy Development Stage

Puppy Development Stage


When does your pup comes of age and into the threshold of a full-fledged dog. Dog enthusiast usually consider an animal a puppy until it is 12 months old. But there are exceptions especially big breed dogs that may take up to 18 months to mature.

Many a dog remains immature in body and mind throughout the first 24 months. The first two years of the dog age is equivalent to about our ten years for every one year of the pup. After that it is about 5 years of human years for every one year of the dog’s life. The lifespan of your dog will depend on its breed. Usually large breed such as the Bull Mastiff and Great Dane live to about ten years. But smaller breeds such as the Miniature Pinscher or the Chihuahua may exceed 15 years of living.

For the first 20 days of a pup’s life, it cannot hear or see. So the mother is responsible for all the cleaning and feeding duties. From week 3 through to week 7, pups remain with their littermates, learning to act like dogs and becoming socialized by their mother and human caregivers. After 12 weeks, the litter should not be left together as they start to develop behavioral trend. Their behavior begins to heighten and there will be domineering and submissive behaviors. This is not encouraged as it can become a training issue later on. For at this period of development, separating the puppies’ area into sleeping, playing, feeding and elimination can help in housebreaking.

About seven weeks, the puppy happily enters childhood and will be very curious. You will be seeing your puppy mouthing, wagging its tail, running everywhere and enticing you to play with it. This is the time where it will starts to bite whatever it can find such as your shoes and sandals. Ensure that you keep your shoes away from it and get some chewing toys for the puppy to satisfy its “itchy” teeth. Your puppy will be running to you for your warm cuddles and happy to see that its needs especially its meals is taken care of. At this stage, you should take you puppy for its first vaccination.

Your puppy by now will start to show signs of bowel control. This is the time that you introduce your puppy to separate areas of feeding and area of elimination. Laying down of newspaper as its elimination area is a common practice. This will helps your puppy to know where its “potty” is.

Socialization is an important part of the dog’s development. You should begin to expose your puppy to all kinds of stimuli such as strangers, children, loud noise and other pets if you have them at home. Do remember to praise your puppy for the good behavior so that it will grow up to be a confident dog.

When your puppy reach the age of six months, you can decide whether you want to spay or neuter your pup. If you are not going to breed it, the recommendation is to spay or neuter. It has its advantages, for example a female dog will be bleeding and messy when it is on heat. By spaying it, the female dog will never be on heat and it will not “bleed”. And for a male dog to be neutered, it will be more gentle and affectionate with you, and not have the male hormone, , testosterone, which “boost” its aggressiveness.

Housebreaking your Dog

Housebreaking your Dog

Housebreaking is one of the most problematic complaints from dog owners. But the problem lies with a lack of understanding on the part of the owners and not with the dog. Good potty habits in a dog comes about only as a result of training and good communication.

There are several methods to housebreak the dog and all it requires is that you dedicate some of your time and being patient with your pet. When a potty accident happens, people are hesitant to train their dogs.

There are a lot of methods of training, however clicker training and other gentle method of training is known to be more effective for dogs. Responsible dog owners know that the best thing to do is to spend time with their pets and teach them the essential dog obedience.

As for a puppy, it needs to relief itself about six times a day. It should be taken out right after each meals. You should never leave an untrained puppy at home unattended.

There are various methods of training a puppy to housebreak and one of them is the crate training method. This method will take a few days for the puppy to get used to it. This method concerns leaving your dog in his crate with his bed and food, and only taking it out on a schedule. Even if the dog is whining for you to let it out, you must not do it. Letting it out when it whines becomes a habit. When the dog potties while you let it out, reward it with treats, long walk or playtime before putting it back to its crate.

Crate training needs to have a balance of companionship and ample time for exercise. Try to extend the duration of time outside the crate with supervision. If you let your dog out during its schedule time and it doesn’t potty, put it back into the crate. You need to stay on schedule for this training. Usually dogs do not soil its “nest”, so you need not worry too much.

When the training seems to have taken place, you can now confine your dog in a room where the floor is washable in case of accidents. Continue with the schedule potty time and keep an eye on your dog. When you see your dog show signs of wanting to pee or poop, take it out immediately to do its “business”. If an accident happens, take it back to the crate. Do not punish your dog or shout at it. Punishment after the act has happen does not help to boost its confidence. It only confuses the dog. It cannot connect or relates to the act after the incident passed.

Another method is by using a stack of newspaper as its potty area. Lead your dog to the newspaper every time your dog wants to relief itself. Once your dog has pee or poop on it, removes the top layers and leave the rest of the stack. This will leave a slight urine smell your dog can detect and this will lead your dog to that spot next round when your dog wants to do its pottying.

Adopting a Dog

Adopting a Dog
Before adopting a dog, you need to think seriously about whether you have the money and time required to care for the dog which have a lifespan of up to 16 years or more. A lot of folks have different lifestyles and changes jobs and career developments. This also displace them from one place to another as they progress in years. It is also true that people do change their lifestyle for the love of their dogs. Dogs especially need a lot of physical companion, and therefore require a deep emotional commitment as well as your time.
Will this be your first dog, or have you ever own a dog? Do you do a lot of outstation travelling and will not be home for an extended period of time? Will you have to do fencing to your garden to accommodate your dog? Will the dog be able to get along with the children? Do you have the time for grooming of your pet? What kind of playtime exercise to fulfill your dog’s requirement? Will walking on a leash be enough or otherwise? These are the type of questions that you need to look into and consider when you adopt a pet. When you go through the questions, it will also help you to understand what type of dog suits you and your family.
Certain breed of dog have certain nutritional requirement. It is not a one solution or a one dog food for all. Certain breeds needs higher intake of protein than others. Take for example a Dalmation. Dalmation is so susceptible to kidney disease that its needs for a low-protein diet is essential. And this breed also do require frequent checkups. So know the breed that you want to adopt.
A lot of people who really love dogs do not mind whether it is a pedigree or not. If that is the case, then there are a lot of abandon dogs at the local shelter homes which you can visit. A lot of these animal rescue homes and society of prevention of animal cruelty readily welcome dog lover to adopt their animals. All the dogs that are put up for adoption has gone through medical examinations by their veterinarian, so there is no issue of taking a sick dog home. Experts do agree that mongrels are one of the most hardy and rugged breed. They do have the best of inherited genes due to its natural selection of evolution in dogs.
Another issue that needs look into is the spaying and neutering of the dog. If you are not a breeder and do not intend to breed, then the advice is to spay or neuter your dog. It has its advantage that, if it is a female dog and if you do not spy it, you will find it messy during the time when the bitch is on heat. Not only will you encounter this issue, but you will find that all the neighborhood dogs will be fighting over your female dog. This nuisance can be avoided if you have all these information beforehand. And as for neutering of the male dog, it will saves you a lot of headache. As mention, it will be fighting with other dogs to mate. Neutering of your dog will make it more gentle as the male hormone, testosterone, is the culprit that boost its activity and its urge to look for mates.

Dog Grooming

Dog Grooming
Grooming of dogs has long has its history as far back as it was domesticated. Some said it is an art refined through the years of mastering it. What we need to understand is that grooming helps keep your dog in an optimum condition. Whether it is in terms of appearance or otherwise, grooming is part of your pet’s health care.
Why is this so that it concerns health instead of just appearance? A very simple example is that if you have a dog with long coat of hair, what would happen if you do not trim the hairs that covers the eyes. Firstly, your dog would not have a good vision as the hair is obstructing it. What would your dog do? It would either be rubbing areas around its eyes with its paws to clear off the obstructing hairs. By doing so, it would also be causing harm to the eyes physically.
Secondly, even if your dog is not rubbing its eyes due to irritation, the hairs that over grow into the eyes, will be “pocking” into it. This will cause injury to the eyes such as scratches and bruising of the eyes will occur. It can also cause redness in the eyes. This will depend on the severity of the injury and the reaction of your dog to its irritation. If it is not tackle at an early stage, more harm and serious eye problem will manifest. So be on the look-out of hairs covering the eyes.
Grooming can be done by the dog owner or send to a grooming saloon to take care of its needs. Let us start with the basic ones such as bathing the dog. How often do we bathe our pet? There is no specific duration. It will have to depend on your dog’s condition. Dogs that exercise and roam a lot will have to bathe more often than those that don’t. Usually when it gets smelly, you need to bathe it. A dog shampoo is a must so that it do not cause any skin reaction. If your dog is having skin problem, then you need to bathe it more often.
Next will be the brushing of your dog. Here it is the same that common sense and logic applies. Short-haired dogs do not need to be brushed as often as long haired-dogs. Long-haired dogs need to be brushed often so that they don’t get tangled or matted. Do not forget to brush short-haired dogs as it would help to remove “dead” hairs from their coat. Remember to brush down along the hair and never against.
Trimming of hair is of great significant for long coat dogs. This is to keep it neat and kempt. It also make them feel more comfortable. What I am commenting here is the normal trimming to keep it neat and tidy, not those that trimmed their dogs to some exotic fashion which is not recommended. Furthermore as per commented above, trimming includes keeping the hairs out of the dog’s eyes. It also helps to enhance the appearance of the dog.
Nails on the dog’s paws need to be kept short so that it is not clipping on the floor when it walks. Remember not to over-do short. When you clip it too short, it is painful and will bleed. This is often true with smaller breed of dogs. If you are not sure, seek expert help. When you can hear the sound of clipping of nails on the floor, it is time to visit the grooming saloon.
Brushing of teeth is on the list of grooming. It is recommended to do it often. However survey has shown that this is not one of the top item in the grooming list. Alternatively there are synthetic bones and other chewables that are sold in the market that helps to clean the dog’s teeth.
Whatever you do, just use common sense and logic when you groom your dog. It is best to introduce grooming to you dog as early as possible when it is a puppy so that it is familiar with the procedure and will be at ease with it.

Do Dogs Eat Grass!

Do Dogs Eat Grass!

A lot of time owners of dogs tend to ask this question of why their dogs eat grass. It is not that grass is one of their diet. And dogs are known to be natural carnivore. However they are also a very adaptable animal as they are surviving on omnivorous diet living together with man. So why do they do it.
There has not been a single answer that all the enthusiast agreed upon. However most are saying that it is the build in instinct of animal survival that is still inherited. Just like wild animals in the jungle, how do they know which plant helps them with stomach upset or just like an elephant being able to search for salt flats or deposits.
As have said earlier that dogs are carnivorous not herbivorous, then why do they eat grass. Dogs do not have the ability to digest the grass like a cow or a goat as they lack the digestive enzymes to break down the fibers. So it makes little or no sense at all that it gives the dog any nutritional value. Some may have the idea that they are hungry that is why they eat grass. This may be a funny remark but if you are a dog owner, you would be concern too. Some even say that it is boredom and some even responded that their dogs are being mischievous. The recent opinion from some novice was that it is an obsessive compulsive disorder. This is no laughing matter as no real in-depth research been done to nail down the culprit.
Research has shown that about 80% of the dogs do this. Some observation appears to have given the idea that it is sort of a cleansing process that the dogs do in a certain period of its development. It shows that after a while of the grass eating process, they vomit it out. It seems that they were cleaning out their stomach of some sort of unwanted materials. This include the intestinal worm in the digestive system.
Another opinion from some experience enthusiastic dog lovers is that some dogs do have inflammatory condition in the stomach which points to gastric reflux. The reason put forward was that when they are out and about, they will without hesitate munch up the grass to satisfy the urge. That is why this group of enthusiast advice is to observe your dog before you let it out. And if it is restless and agitated sort of repeated swallowing motion with extended neck before you let it out to “gaze”, then you should make an appointment with your veterinarian. Gastric problem is a treatable matter with either conventional remedy or homeopathic medicine.
One thing that we have to keep in mind even though eating grass is not harmful but the grass that your dog eat may be sprayed with insecticide. So be on the look-out and not encourage your dog to eat grass just because Mr. Jones down the road did so. And also be aware that some plants are toxic in nature and could cause side effects that you may not see immediately but manifest in the later stage of your dog’s life.

Five of the world largest dog breeds

Five of the world largest dog breeds

1) Great Dane

The Great Dane has its history as far back as the 14th century when its ancestor of large hounds were found in Greece. As it was a big and large dog, it was used mainly for hunting in most part of Europe. However it was bred by the Germans as a boar hunting hound and later as a recognized breed as Great Dane. It was officially recognized in the late 19th century by the AKC which is a registry for purebred dogs.

Great Danes are large bones and have a square shoulder. Its head is slender and long with its medium size ears high and folded to the cheek. Its eyes are of average size and is deep set having an attentive gaze. The Great Dane has a height of at least 30 inches for a male dog and 28 inches for a female dog at standing (shoulder height) which is one of the criteria. Its legs are long and if it were to stand on its hind legs, it towers over most of the people.

It has a short and thick coat with glossiness. Great Dane registry shows that there a 9 colors and 3 types of markings. Some of these are describes by the color of its body which can be yellow gold and brindled with black stripes across, black and glossy, and harlequin of white base and black patches evenly distributed over its body.
Even though this is a big and strong dog, it strides with smooth elegance and pride. It is courageous, friendly with great awareness which you can depend on its bravery, yet it does not show aggressiveness. It is a gentle and loving giant but needs a lot of exercise. The lifespan of a Great Dane is about 8 years and can weigh as much as 120 pounds.


2) Tibetan Mastiff

This is an ancient breed dating back to the time of nomadic period in the region of East Asia. They were used to protect the livestock from wild animals. It lives among the nomadic tribes and spread far as it is a hardy breed. Even though this breed has been in existence for a very long time, it was only in year 2007 that this breed was officially recognized by the AKC.
In USA, The American Tibetan Mastiff Association which is a member of the American Kennel Club is the only national Tibetan Breed Club which is authorized and recognized by the AKC. This means that the Tibetan Mastiff has not really has a footing in America yet. It could take a long time before it becomes a more popular breed in the US. Its standing at the AKC ranking is at the 138th most popular breed.
Standing at 26 to 29 inches tall at shoulder height, it is not a giant dog. But it is a large and strong breed which were utilized as a guardian dog for farmers to defend against wild animals like bears, leopard, wolves and large animals. They display dominance over other animals. They like to roam and do have cat-like character. They are sort of unique in their own sense of independence and strong willed, and not like other breed of dogs which are willing to please their owners. Exercise is the important part of their routine. This breed has the tendency to bark at night.

The weight of this Tibetan Mastiff is at 130 to 170 pounds and they are enormous especially the males. It has a double long coat usually under the influence of climate, the colors are of wide range such as black and tan, black, bluish gray, and yellowish to red-like gold. Most of the time they have white markings. Its head broad, strong and wrinkle. As the hair is long and thick, they needs grooming often.

The head with it long flowing hair from its forehead is habitually regarded as Lion head. Another one with a shorter hair is also called a Tiger Head. The eyes are almond shaped with a slant. It is medium in size and deep-set. The ears of a Tibetan Mastiff are hung down and close to the head more like the shape of a “V”. Its tail has long soft hair of feather like and is curled up back to the body. This big breed of dog has a body that is usually a bit longer than its height at the shoulder at standing.
Their lifespan usually range from 14 to 18 years.


3) Dogo Argentino

Dogo Argentino is also known as an Argentinian Mastiff. Its ancestor is the extinct Cordoba Fighting Dog. This is a large and muscular dog chiefly used for hunting of large wild animals. However it was also used for dog fighting as it is fearless with its aggressiveness and ferocity in the ring. Usually when it is used as a hunting dog, it does not fight with the other accompanying hunting dogs.

The history of this breed can be seen to date back to the 1920s where a medical doctor named Antonio Nores Martinez, sets its objective to breed a large dog capable of hunting big animals. And also in his mind was that the breed must be loyal and an obedient pet yet able to act as a guard dog. With this criteria in mind, he started his project by cross breeding a Cordoba Fighting dog with, Bull Terrier, Irish Wolfhound, Boxer, Great Dane, English Bulldog, Spanish Mastiff, Dogue de Bordeaux and Great Pyreness. He continued with this selective cross breeding to acquire the desired distinguished characteristics. From there on this breed has come to be known as the Dogo Argentino.

Dogo Argentino has a short coat. Its color is solid white. It has a square deep-set chest and upright front body with a muscular neck. Its head is rounded has to a great extend of being wide looking into it at the front and the muzzle is slightly slanted upwards. Its natural ears are half drop to the side of the head. However it is usually cropped so that it stands high and upright looking more alert and menacingly wild. The eyes are brown, either light or dark in color and are set well apart.

The Dogo Argentino stands at a height of 27 inches and can weight as heavy as 100 pounds. This breed is lean and with such a mass, it really has a stout strong body. The tail of this breed is long and tapper, being thick at the base. It is carried low and usually at the hocks. The life expectancy of this breed is about 10 to 13 years.

The character of this breed is bullish with great stamina and knows no fear. Due to these characters, people use the Dogo Argentino as a fighting dog and it has created bad reputation. With a number of unfortunate incidents, it has becomes a ferocious type tagged to it.

The need to understand that when a dog is used for fighting, the breeder or owner trains and nurture it in a “negative” way so much so that it has become “anti-social” and has become a ferocious animal instead of a pet. This has caused the public to view this breed as an “unpredictable” and dangerous animal as a pet and more and more nations has ban it from their countries. Its reputation has becomes so notorious that even countries that allow owning of such breed as a pet, under Dangerous Dog Act, they need to be registered and their dogs be insured with a certain sum as per imposed by the authority.

Countries that ban the Dogo Argentino are Spain, Great Britain, Italy, Romania, Norway, Israel, Turkey, USA, Bermuda Islands, Portugal, Singapore, Malaysia, Malta, New Zealand, Australia, Ukraine,


4) Irish Wolfhound

As the name implies, this breed is from Ireland. This breed has a long history of ancestors dating back to as early as 300BC where there were stories of hugh dogs that fought side by side with the Celts at the Gallic invasion of the Balkans. Further down its historical events, there were records of King John of England presenting an Irish Hound to a Prince of Wales.
Also in a documented record that in 1952 Oliver Cromwell who was the Lord protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, made a declaration that the Irish Hound was a protected breed as it was used to control the number of wolves which were flourishing at that period. Historically, this shows that the Irish Wolfhound was owned by the nobles. This Irish Hound was the ancestor line of our present Irish Wolfhound.

Originally its main purpose were to be used for hunting of wolves and big elks which were abundant in the Ireland. It was also used as guard dog. Among the galloping hounds, Irish Wolfhound is placed in the number one ranking as the tallest. It was recognized officially by AKC in 1897.

Its coat is rough and wiry of average length on the body with sort of a shaggy look. It is long at the underjaw and over the eyes. Per the AKC standard, this breed come in 13 colors from cream to black. Blue is the color not acceptable. It should not have any markings on its body. However small markings such as at tip of tail and at the feet are allowed.
The head is long and with a bit of a raised forehead. Its muzzle is long and slightly pointed. Irish Wolfhound has average eyes that are deeply set and with its long hair, its usually not noticeable. They have small ears and are back against the head. The neck is long and strong with an arch. Its chest is wide and the tail has a slight curve and is long and hung down.

It can stand as high as 34 inches tall at the shoulder and weights as much as 130pounds.
With such a height, it seems to have a commanding impression. However an Irish Wolfhound may do not seem to have a long lifespan as it averages at about 7 years.

Usually dogs matured in about a year, this breed takes about two years to mature in terms of its physical and mentally. The Irish Wolfhound is also known as a gentle giant as it is a very obedient loving companion. They may not be ranked at the top for intelligence but they make up by being very faithful and loyal to their owners.


5) Cane Corso

The Cane Corso is an Italian breed and is one of the two mastiff kind of dogs that is native to Italy. They were believe to be descended from the Roman times when dogs fought together with the army. At that period of time, the dogs were known as Pugnaces. With such a long history as was documented, this breed has a long ancestry from the ancient time.

This breed is also known as the Italian Mastiff. They were a highly respected hunting dog especially for wild boars and big game, as wild boars were one of their food source. It is also used for herding cattle as it size and stamina could dominate the herds. Also known to be a guard dog against intruders.

The ancestor of this breed in America was believe to be started when a man named Michael Sottile SR brought in the first litter of Cane Corso in 1988. He has such passion for this breed of dog that he continue importing the next batch the following year for breeding. With such an interest in Cane Corso, he travelled widely in Italy to procure his stock for the breeding. There were controversies and disagreement with some other parties that were also trying to popularize this breed in the US leading to strained relations with Italy on this matter. Only in the year 2010 was Cane Corso recognized by the AKC.

Cane Corso has a large and impressive head with eyes looking straight up front. Its forehead is flat down merging the muzzle. It has dark medium-size almond shape eyes and ears that are folded down angled to the front rather than the side of the head. It is also a tradition to crop the ears so that the ears are standing upright.

Its coat is short and smooth that do not need much grooming. According to the registry, there are seven colors; Black, Black Brindle, Chestnut Brindle, Fawn, Gray, Gray Brindle and Red, and two markings being Black Mask and Gray Mask that makes the mark for this breed.

The tail is thick with a slight taper to the extreme. It is similar to a hound it that its tail is carried low to the hock and when excited, its tail is carried at a horizontal. However most of the owners docked the tail of the Cane Corso which is usually done at its forth vertebrae.

Standing at 28 inches high at the shoulder, this breed can weigh as much as 110 pounds. Its frame is so large and muscular that it looks majestic. With such a huge mass, the sight of it is can also be intimidating. It is calm and self-confident around strangers but do not agitate it as its mild-mannered can turns into aggressiveness.

Therefore extensive socializing is an important part Cane Corso at an early stage as with other type of mastiff. This is to encourage it to flourish positive temperament such as being affectionate, obedient and calm to eliminate any aggressiveness. It needs a lot of exercise to wane off its built-up “tension”. This breed is expected to live to about 10 to 11 years.

Ten of the world smallest dog (aka Toy dog) breeds

Ten of the world smallest dog (aka Toy dog) breeds

1) Chihuahua

Chihuahua originated from Mexico. Its history dates back to 9th century. Not much was known of this breed before the 9th century as there were no actual records or lacking of evidence in documents even though there were artifacts unearthed which dates back to around 1200 AD depicting this breed of dog. Chihuahua is one of the more popular breed of dogs in America and is recognized in 1904 by the American Kennel Club.
The two varieties of this breed are the short haired Smooth Coat and the Long Coat. They have big upright standing ears with big rounded eyes set apart. Chihuahua tends to have a noticeable round skull like the shape of an apple. This give the Chihuahua the cute look.
Chihuahua is an active and playful dog. Yet it has a graceful and charming look. Do not underestimate this breed for its charm as it loves activities. However it has the tendency of rivalry aggressiveness and is very protective of its owner.
Usually the lifespan of Chihuahua average from 12 to 18 years. As it is a small dog, it weighs between 4 to 6 pounds. The height of a Chihuahua is between 6 to 10 inches.


2) Maltese

This breed was originated from the Central Mediterranean Area. This history dates back to the 17th century that its name comes from the island of Malta. It is also known as the Maltese Lion Dog as its head with long shaggy coat of hair resembles that of a lion. As it is known with long coat of hair, Maltese also somewhat has some Spitz-like nature though not so prominent. Some evidence also indicated that this breed was also partly a descendent of the type of terrier of the Tibetian.
It has a rounded dome-like head with eyes set that makes it look like a toy rather than a real dog. Standing at a height of 7 to 12 in tall which is the normal dog kennel association/society standard, some may varies as breeding were of crucial in maintaining its normal stature. Maltese can weight from 4 to 7 pounds. The lifespan of this breed is 12 to 15 years.
With its cute stature, this dog is known to be cuddly like a teddy bear. Being as a teddy bear like, it is very active and playful. They are well adapted to human. However being playful and active, sometimes they may overdo and it is wise that adults should supervise when children is around. As it is small, it is well suited in the house or confined place.


3) Affenpinscher

This breeds originated from Germany and its history dates as far back as the 17th century. This breed of dog were initially used by the people to rid mice as they were active and can get into confined places especially in the home kitchen. The Affenpinscher is popular as a farm dog in Europe. Their fearless attitude in pursuing their prey has been one of the reason that they were used for this purpose.
The face of an Affenpinscher resembles that of an ape when you look straight at it and this has been the reason that its name comes from the German word “ape” or “monkey”. It has a rough and long coat with a shaggy look that appears to be unkempt. Due to its thick and wiry coat, it tends to get matted and needs to be brushed often.
It has a lively nature and is very active being able to get along well with children and with other dogs. Affenpinscher has a stubborn disposition of a terrier and its curiosity inclined passionately towards fun-loving. The loving nature and its attachment to family members make them the more protective towards them. It was known to have won awards at dog show and one of it was at the 2013 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show bagging the award of Best in Show in this category for the first time.
The lifespan of an Affenpinscher averages at 11.5 years. Its body weight is around 6 to 13 pounds. Its height stands at 9 to 12 inches.


4) Japanese Chin

This Japanese Chin has its place in the Japanese royalty. It was kept as a lap dog and also as a companion dog. This breed of dog has its origin traced back to China. However this was widely disputed as there were other version of its origin. This breed has its special place in the palace as there was restriction to ordinary citizen ownership. So the Japanese Chin becomes the royal dogs of the old days.
The Japanese Chin has a broad head with large eyes set apart and its ears covered by it long coat of hair fanning out like feathers. Its coat can come in five different colors, recognized by the color coding namely; black & white, black white & tan, lemon & white, white and black and sable & white.
The Japanese Chin weights from 5 to 14 pounds and stands at a height of 8 to 11 inches tall. Japanese Chin usually have a lifespan of 10 to 13 years.
Its character leans towards that of a feline and its tendency is more like a cat. With its good sense of balance, it likes to rest on high surfaces that cats always do. This breed gets along well with human especially children and dogs of other breeds. It has a more tolerance tendency and will adapts to new surroundings and people.


5) Boston Terrier

This breed was originated from the United States of America. History dates back to the late 19th century and was known to be descended from bull dog and terrier dog. Earlier information gathered and documents showed that it was first bred for the sport of fighting. This breed tends to be fierce, bold and courage to keep going. Pound for pound, this breed is a real fighter. However that was a long time ago when pit-fighting was a sport as now you would find that this breed of dog is really a lover and not a fighter.
It has a short muzzle like that of a bull dog, usually without wrinkles, and it body is well built being compact and muscular with great disposition. The ears of Boston Terrier are erected and its tail is short. It stands at 10 to 15 inches in height and its weight from 7 to 25 pounds, usually males being the heavier ones. It has a short coat and white crested chest being distinctive. However to be identified and recognized as a Boston Terrier by the American Kennel Club, it must have white with the combination of either any one, two or of the three colors, black, brindle and seal.
The average lifespan of a Boston Terrier is about 12 to 14 years. Its temperament is of a happy and friendly nature. It is an intelligent and smart dog but it can be stubborn and territorial being aggressive with other dogs or strangers. However it can be very gentle and obedient with its owner. Therefore it is advisable that socialization is of importance for the Boston Terrier and it should be introduced to the family, especially with children in the house, as early stage of the puppy as possible. The recommendation to bring home as a puppy, when the owner has children as its socialization with the children making the puppy grow up to be gentle.
The Boston Terriers are well suited for people living in apartments as it do not bark unnecessary being the quiet type. This makes for the numbers and is popular with the Americans.


6) Pug

Pug originated from China and its history is as far back as 200BC. It was said to be during the Han Dynasty in China that this breed has a special place in the royalty. They were of high value to the emperors so Pugs lived a luxurious life. Documents has shown that even the Tibetian monks kept Pugs in their monasteries since ancient times. This bring about the opinion of some historians that Pugs were far cousins of the Tibetian Mastiff.
Even though this breed has a long and extensive history, it was only introduced to the Europe around the 16th century. It was at that period of time when the Europeans were trading with the Chinese in China that they brought back the Pug dogs to their countries. In England, Pugs were even known to have existed during the mid-16th century according to the history of king William III. Pugs were of high stature even in the European countries as records show paintings, tapestry, carpets and may items depicting the Pugs as its central figure.
Similar to Bulldog, Pug has a short muzzle yet wide at the front. It has a muscular, short and square body. Short coat which is smooth and glossy usually the color of black or fawn-colored. Its ears are folded to the side of its head sometime it looks sort of rolled up as a button.
Generally it stands at 10 to 14 inches tall and weighs between 13 to 18 pounds. The lifespan of Pug is between 12 to 15 years.
Pugs are well suited to live with humans as they crave for attention with a playful temperament. Yet they can be excellent lap dog as they are more of the “lazy” type and can laze around on your lap for a long time without making much fuss.


7) Miniature Pinscher

This small dog originated from Germany. It is believed that their ancestors came from the line of dachshund, greyhounds and other pinscher breed. Although it is a comparatively long time breed that dates back to ancient time, documentation were only done in the early 19th century. Its appearance, looks and stature proportion appears to be uncannily similar to those of Dobermann Pinscher. It has often been mistakenly assumed that this Miniature Pinscher was supposed to be a smaller version of a Doberman Pinscher. Let us clear the air here that the breed, Miniature Pinscher, is a pure thoroughbred whereas Dobermann Pinscher is a hybrid which was “created” by a German travelling salesman, during 1890.

Doberman Pinscher was bred from a mixture of Greyhound, Rottweiler, German Pointer and Great Dane.
The Miniature Pinscher has a well-built and balanced structure. Beautifully structured body with a big chest tapering to the abdomen. It has a short and smooth coat that is easy to maintain. Miniature Pinscher comes in solid colors such as black, stag red, chocolate and red with tan and rust points.

The tail is thin and slightly curved pointing upwards. Usually the tail docking is done at 2 to eight days after birth, either cut by surgical or placing a special band to cut off the blood supply, thereby causing the tail to fall off. It is believed that with a snub tail it has a kempt appearance. This has been the usual practice for a long time, but in recent time, activists have made it an issue of cruelty to animals. As it is, now more and more registered dog associations do not accept registration of the dog if its tail is docked. It also applies the same and forbids the cropping of the ears, into its registry.

Its fearless character is most prominent even though its size is small, it will take on bigger animals without hesitation. A very active and alert dog, it sits well as a “guard” dog alerting its owner of any intruders. Family with big compound will be a good home to the Miniature Pinscher as it needs a lot of exercise.
The Miniature Pinscher stands at 10 to 13 inches high (at shoulder blade highest point). It can weigh between 8 to 12 pounds. The life expectancy of a Miniature Pinscher can be from 10 to 15 years


8) Toy Poodle

In this category of Poodle breed, there are four sizes being recognized widely. The four sizes of this breed being; standard, medium, miniature and toy. Nevertheless some kennels only recognize three sizes, being Standard, Miniature and Toy. Originally from Germany as a water dog used for hunting waterfowl. However France was the country that establish the standard of the Poodle breed sizes. As France standardized the Poodle breed, it becomes so popular with its citizen that it becomes the number one breed in France.
Poodle has a squarish built and is well balanced and proportionate. Its eyes are oval in shape, set far apart and usually very dark to the point of black making it more like a doll. It has a skull that is moderately rounded with muzzle long and straight. Its ears are down by the side of its head. However it is hardly ever noticeable as the coat is so thick and dense that the ears are covered by it. Toy Poodles have single layer coat which is a curly strands of fur and is closely compact.
This is an elegant breed and it always stands with distinct dignity and proud as if knowing that it is look upon as a “fashion” setter. What more with its owner grooming cut to the “fashion and pattern” that suits the owner lifestyle. Poodle is one of the most intelligent dogs and it is always learning new tricks to please. A very playful and faithful dog, it can be very obedient. Logically Toy Poodle are lap dogs as its size represents. Owners are usually strongly attached to the poodle as it is obedient, affectionate and quick witted. This is always reciprocated.
Toy Poodle generally stands at about 10 inches in height. Its weight can varies from 6 to 10 pounds. The lifespan of Toy Poodle is between 12 to 15 years.


9) Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu has a history of long ancient time and there were a prolonged public disputes since it was passed down thru so many generations. They were so ancient that their genetic closeness was one as with the wolves. It is one of the oldest breed as skeletal evidence were found in China way back 8,000 BC. This one is also one of the “royal” breed as it was treasured by the royalty.
The name Shih Tzu derived from the Chinese word meaning “lion dog”. With such an esteem name, you can even guess that this a prized breed and of high value to the Chinese. There were lots of documented evidence during the Tang Dynasty (618-907AD) that it is highly praised such as arts, paintings and writings in China.
Shih Tzu has a good and solid built structure. Good proportion as the body length is not much longer than its height. With such gifted physical structure, its stride is graceful when it moves with the flow of its long fur like nature. It has a long smooth and silky coat that sort of floats. Its coat colors includes different shades of gold, white, brown, silver, brindle and black. Or the variation of these colors that could include red & white or gray & white. It has a broad face and a short muzzle. Its ears are folded downwards usually not visible since its coat is so long covering it. The tail is upwards with a curl.
Shih Tzu is a good family and lap dog. It is a very energetic, playful and lively dog. Even though its name in Chinese is a lion dog, it does not have the nature of a lion as it is a very tame and an adorable companion. Logically this breed needs attention in grooming as its coat is long.
The Shih Tzu stands at a height of 8 to 11 inches tall. It can weigh from 9 to 16 pounds. The life expectancy of this breed is 12 to 16 years.


10) Russian Toy

As its name said it, this breed is originated from Russia and it is a small dog. They are also called the Russky Toy. The Russian Toy was also previously called the Russian Toy Terrier. Other earlier name was Moscovite Miniature Terrier. The Russian breed seems to be very ”secretive” as there were hardly any documentation of it until the late 1950s. The Russian Toy has its ancestry relating to the Manchester Terrier as it was believed to be developed from the English ancestor.

There are two types, one smooth coat and the other one with the long coat. Both of the Russian Toy types were almost annihilated due to the uprising of Communism in the 1920s as it was considered a breed that was for the elite, and the fall of Communism in the early1990s. There were no clear record of this breed in Russia, even though it was believed that it existed long ago. Only in the late 1958 was there a documentation of the Russian Toy dog breeding and this was to be the long coat type. And there was not any known owner of this breed outside of Russia until the 1990s. So this is a mysterious breed that needs a lot of learning to do.
Well-built body structure resembling that of a Miniature Pinscher with a small head and a dear-like look. Its muzzle is pointed, lean but not long. Big round dark eyes which are set apart. Ears that are large and upright. It has impressive fringes on its ears and limbs, looking like feathers. Its neck is slightly arched and high. Its tail is traditionally docked. However an undocked tail is curved up over the body.
Their colors can be brown and tan, and blue and tan being the most rare and hard to find. Black tan is the most commonly found. Solid black also qualify in this breed.

The Russian Toy is a cheerful and agile little fellow. Intelligent, loving and elegant a very faithful companion.
The height of a Russian Toy stands at 8 to 11 inches at shoulder height. It can weight from 3 to 6 pounds. The life expectancy of this breed is from 10 to 13 years.


The not so “bright” sides of Cats

The not so “bright” sides of Cats
Statistics in the United States have shown that animals “putting to sleep” in shelters and animal control pounds were fairly high and is the main cause of death for domesticated cats. The number which was taken in year 2006 has shown that about 66% entering those facilities were killed. There were numbers indicating about 32% were adopted and 2% of it were reunited with their owners which were not encouraging.
Although the statistics were from the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy Statistics Survey, it can be considered comprehensive as the survey was done annually on about 5,000 shelters. And there were recent studies done which were not so on a large scale as most of the shelters and pounds were “not so cooperative” since this is a sensitive issue. Indicators received and estimation from those involved demonstrated that the numbers were more or less the same.
Against domesticated cats, feral cats’ faith were much more pitiful as it was an almost 100% “death” rate for this category of cats in pounds and shelters. This has cause wild life advocates to pursue and demand for more transparency in dealing with this category of cats. With more and more pressure from this group of advocates, those people caught in this “cross-fire” are in a state of ambiguity.
As can be expected of this category of feral cats which do not mingle or socialized with humans, there is no possibility, no chance to be adopted as they will not fit into normal household dwellings. Even owners of these so-called “exotic pets” usually do not come forward to claim it bearing the consequences of the law. Therefore the only conclusion anyone can draw for these animals is death which has been a debate for quite some time.
Even though there were no actual numbers known for these feral cats, the numbers from related source has shown that the population of feral cats and domesticated cats were more or less the same which stood at 81 million.
Non-profit organizations and animal welfare group are of the same opinion and have always believed that the leading cause of death for cats has been in these animal pounds and shelters whether it is public or private funded ones. As there were not much publication on this matter, since not all the states impose the need to report the fate of the animals in the pounds and shelters. Those states that require reports from pounds and shelters usually do not make the reports accessible to the public. The collection of these crucial data and the process of studying this issue has been thinly scattered.
As this is a controversial issue, there is no sure-win solution or a “one-solution-for-all” since both sides has its “story” to tell. Therefore the alternative help to avoid “putting to sleep” especially domesticated cats, is to advocate adoption which in another way reduces the “unwanted” domesticated cats which were put to sleep. Educating the general public and it awareness has a huge positive effect as per the recent publication.



While you are not at home, how do you keep your pet occupied.

This is especially true for those working people. While you are not at home, give your pet something to play with to keep them out of trouble. Especially when you have an active dog or cat, try giving them interactive pet toys that are designed to keep your pets’ attention and keeps them occupied. These toys are easily available at pet supply stores as pet toy manufactures are more aware of the needs of pet owners. Always try using a few toys by rotating them each time you are away so that your pets have the new feel each time you give them rather than some boring repetition.
Dogs or cats that tends to engage in “destructive” activities, especially on furniture, needs to be confined. You need to put your pet in a crate that is big enough for it to turn and move about. If the duration of absent of the owner is a long one like those working from 8am to 5pm, you need to understand that your dog need to ease itself. So you have to factor in an area for it to use as its toilet. Usually this can be easily bought from a pet supplies store.
Remember that your pet dog or cat must have ample food and water supply. Logically placement of the crate is important so that it is well ventilated and temperature that is suitable. Ideally never leave your pet cat or dog alone for more than 24 hours. Especially dogs, they will be lonely, so never neglect your pet.


Do you need to keep your dog outdoors!

If you are keeping your pet dog outdoors, you need to provide it with a well-built shelter. In some areas, the weather can change drastically and it is really harmful and can even endanger the life of your pet dog. So when we need to keep our pet outdoors, we need to consider a lot of factors. It will not be like a house that we live in with temperature controlled environment and protection from the weather.
It is necessary to take into consideration which part of the country we live in. Does it have four seasons? Does the temperature heats up hotly in the daytime and plunge to freezing cold at night. And other harsh environment factors that we need to pay attention to.
Some logical suggestion is to ensure that the shelter is high above ground as you do not want your pet to get wet if it rains or worst still in flood prone area. Furthermore the temperature of the dog house is more easily control when it is not “connected” to the ground.
The dog house should be able to withstand the winds, rain and the harsh environment of its surroundings. The shelter should be big enough for it to move about such as sitting and lying down comfortably. It should be well ventilated but not to the extend of allowing a draft of winds especially during the cold nights. Countries that have four seasons, the shelter must be constructed to cater for those revolving seasons with temperature controlled environment.
Whatever the reason, if you own a pet dog, you are committed to its well-being and comfort. Nothing beats being with you in your home.

The Benefits Of A Pet Dog

The Benefits Of A Pet Dog

The closeness of contact between a pet and its owner enhance physical and emotional benefits. It has been commonly known that pets have provided their owners great physical and emotional benefits.

By walking the dog, not only do you get your dog some exercise, the owner also gets to exercise and gets out to some fresh air and the environment around. The excitement of your dog being able to get out and you having a great time with your pet, makes physical exercise like a stroll in the park.

Pets have been credited to bridge the gap of human communication with social interaction and contacts. Walking your dog in the neighborhood, you will find more people talking to you and about your dog. This brings about good neighborhood relations and build their common interest.

Being as one of the family members, your dog can give you hours of fun and company. Nowadays, especially the so-called IT world, even family members are not communicating enough physically as most of them are busily glued to their gadgets. However a dog, being adorable yet mischievous, brings the family together in taking care of it and nurtures the family relationship.

Pets have been recommended by the medical profession to be employed as a therapeutic treatments. This is especially true and of significant positive consequences to elderly adults who are living in solitary environment. And especially so for those people who live solitarily after some bad encounter in life that they “hide in their own world” and live a reclusive life.

Pet dogs have become the therapy and hope, as it give reclusive people a sense of comfort, attention and someone to talk to. With a venue to release all the negative thoughts and suppressed emotions without any discrimination as the dog will be more empathetic than any other pet or person. Example of some of the therapy dogs are Irish Wolfhound also known as the gentle giant as it is a big dog, Chihuahua – small and cute being able to carry it along where ever you go, poodle – a fluffy and intelligent dog that provides a cuddly comfort, Corgis – a favorite with the royal family of England, Dachshund – helpful in anxiety disorders, depression, autism and epilepsy, and others.

Many conclusive evidence has been published by the medical profession that pets plays an important role in the well-being of their owners, both physically and psychologically. Ownership of a dog has become more than a pet. It has become more than a valuable asset as reports has shown that it is not the monetary satisfaction that can equate to the beneficial satisfaction that connects you to your dog.

Knowing that having a pet dog is beneficial, we need to understand that the dog also have its physical and emotional needs that you have to take care of. Therefore if you plan to own a dog, be sure to read more on its care and up keeping. Remember that when you take home a dog, it is a commitment that you need to fulfill for the lifetime of the dog.